We Exist For One Purpose: To Help You.
Join the Million Dollar Pledge to Get Americans to Work by sponsoring an employee for training programs at Tulsa Welding School (TWS) or The Refrigeration School, Inc. (RSI) and they could receive a half-off tuition scholarship!
For Members & Employees
StrataTech Education Group has partnered with Distribution Contractors Association (DCA) for the Million Dollar Pledge to Get Americans to Work program, which will provide 100 half-off tuition scholarships to students who are sponsored by DCA member employees who are enrolled in a training program at any TWS or RSI campus.
StrataTech Education Group will train DCA member employees for careers in welding, heating, ventilation, air conditioning or refrigeration (HVAC/R) or electrical in as little as seven months.
StrataTech Education Group is a trade school parent company that owns and manages Tulsa Welding School, the largest welding school in the nation*, and The Refrigeration School, Inc., the largest HVAC/R school in the nation.*

Tulsa Welding School - Tulsa, OK

Tulsa Welding School - Jacksonville Jacksonville, FL

Tulsa Welding School & Technology Center - Houston, TX

The Refrigeration School, Inc. - Phoenix, AZ
Tulsa Welding School is the largest welding school in the nation.* RSI is the largest HVAC/R school in the nation.*
Contact us for more information about this program and how you can enroll your employees!
We need your help in spreading the word on this awesome new opportunity for people who want to start a career in the skilled trades! Below is a press release and a social media post you can share with your network to get the word out and help 100 students get started on achieving their dreams.
StrataTech Education Group Partners with Distribution Contractors Association to Award up to $1 Million in Combined Scholarships
StrataTech will award 100 students half-off tuition scholarships for programs at Tulsa Welding School campuses and The Refrigeration School, Inc.
PHOENIX (Dec. 15, 2021) –StrataTech Education Group is pleased to announce a new partnership with Distribution Contractors Association (DCA) for a ‘Million Dollar Pledge to Get Americans to Work’ campaign. As part of this partnership, StrataTech will provide 100 half-off tuition scholarships to upskill skilled trade workers. (Continued in download)
Join the Million Dollar Pledge to Get Americans to Work program! Tulsa Welding School and The Refrigeration School, Inc. (RSI) are providing 100 half-off tuition scholarships to students who are sponsored by DCA member employees who are enrolled in a training program at any TWS or RSI campus.

Help your company solve its talent shortage by joining the Million Dollar Pledge to Get Americans to Work program. When your company sponsors an employee for training programs at Tulsa Welding School (TWS) or The Refrigeration School, Inc. (RSI), that employee can receive a half-off tuition scholarship!
StrataTech Education Group has partnered with Distribution Contractors Association (DCA) for the Million Dollar Pledge to Get Americans to Work program, which will provide 100 half-off tuition scholarships to students who are sponsored by DCA member employees who are enrolled in a training program at any TWS or RSI campus.
StrataTech schools can train DCA member employees for careers in welding, HVAC, refrigeration or electrical in as little as seven months.
StrataTech Education Group is a trade school parent company that owns and manages Tulsa Welding School, the largest welding school in the nation*, and The Refrigeration School, Inc., the largest HVAC/R school in the nation.*
StrataTech Education Group is a trade school acquisition company that owns and manages Tulsa Welding School and The Refrigeration School, Inc. We train students in the fundamentals of welding, HVAC/R and electrical to prepare them for job opportunities in the skilled trades.
Contact us for more information about this program and how you can enroll your employees!
*Tulsa Welding School is the largest welding school in the nation according to 2019 IPEDS data TWS has the largest total combined enrollment of students for all post-secondary schools in the U.S. with the designated largest program of CIP Code Welding Technology/Welder. RSI is the largest HVAC/R school in the nation according to 2019 IPEDS data RSI has the largest total enrollment of students for all post-secondary schools in the U.S. offering both CIP codes Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering and HVAC/R Engineering Technology/Technician.
Accredited Schools, ACCSC. RSI is licensed by the Arizona State Board for Private Post Secondary Education. TWS-Jacksonville located at 1750 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32216 is recognized by ACCSC as a satellite location of TWS-Jacksonville located at 3500 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32216. Tulsa Welding School & Technology Center (TWSTC) in Houston and TWS-Jacksonville are branch campuses of Tulsa Welding School, located at 2545 E. 11th St., Tulsa, OK 74104. Tulsa, OK campus is licensed by OBPVS and ASBPCE. Jacksonville, FL campus is licensed by the Florida Commission for Independent Education, License No. 2331. TWSTC and TWS in Tulsa, OK are approved by TWC. TWS in Jacksonville is licensed by the Mississippi Commission on Proprietary School and College Registration, License No. C-668. Licensure indicates only that minimum standards have been met; it is not an endorsement or guarantee of quality. Licensure is not equivalent to or synonymous with accreditation by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. TWS in Jacksonville is also regulated by: Office for Career and Technical Schools, 10 N. Senate Ave, Suite SE 308, Indianapolis, IN 46204; [email protected]; http://www.in.gov/dwd/2731.htm. The AOSWT and AOS/MME programs are the Associate of Occupational Studies degree programs and are not academic degrees. The AOSWT programs is not approved for the following states: CO, GA, LA, MN, and TX. For more information about our programs, please visit our website at: http://www.tws.edu/student-resources/regulatory-information/ or https://www.rsi.edu/about-rsi/regulatory-information/.
Scholarships available to those who qualify. Candidates need to refer to the scholarship information page to determine topic of essay (where applicable) and must meet all regular admissions requirements and be scheduled to start training prior to applying for a scholarship. If a student changes his/her re-enter date, the scholarship award may be forfeited. Scholarships are not transferable and most scholarships cannot be used in conjunction with any other scholarship TWS/RSI offers. In most cases, only one award will be given per student. If a student is eligible for multiple scholarships, the scholarship that is most beneficial to the student will be awarded. Scholarships will be distributed incrementally over the entire duration of the program. Scholarship eligibility requires continuous enrollment. Failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress may result in the probation and possible loss of scholarship. Termination from training may also result in the loss of a scholarship, which may increase your tuition obligation to TWS/RSI. Tuition charges will be based on the amount reflected on your Enrollment Agreement. See the reverse side of your Enrollment Agreement or the School Catalog for the school’s refund policy.
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